Sunday 12 February 2012

Boost your health, but don't run up huge bills!

Improve Your Health on a budget
It’s now mid February, the new year’s resolutions to keep fit and join the gym are long gone, however the thought of improving your wellbeing still looms as the country is constantly reminded of growing obesity levels, heart disease, depression and cancer in even the younger generations.

Whilst a gym membership may seem daunting, not only to your schedule but to your bank balance, but there is an alternative to huffing and puffing on the treadmill for a lot less money. Walking. The idea is simple, but incredibly effective. Various medical researches have shown that just 30 minutes of walking per day can actually reduce the risk of heart disease by a huge 30-50%. Many people are also surprised to find how easy it is to fit these 30 minutes into the average day.

Many people assume that you have to pop on your pair of new running shoes in order to make a huge difference. However, small swaps can be made and easily integrated into a daily routine; walking to the local shop rather than driving, taking the stairs rather than the lift or escalator- even walking around the supermarket doing your weekly shop for 30mins will help improve your fitness levels (even better if the trolley is full!). Best of all, these options come with no extra cost! So there’s no need to sign a year’s contract to get fit, you can get your lifetime contract for free and reap the benefits as you get older.

For further information, please visit

(EDITOR: A pair of sensible walking shoes from Sports Direct have certainly help me with my aim to walk at least two miles a day.)

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